Disciples Handbooks
제자교회란 어떤 교회인가? 어떤 특징들을 가지고 있는가? 초대교회 사도적 신앙을 전승하여 성경적이면서 민주적인 교회로서 세상 모든 교회의 일치를 추구하는 제자교회의 역사, 신앙과 신학, 예배와 성례전, 교회 조직 및 행정을 간결하게 정리해 놓았다.
This handbook offers concise information on disciples heritage, thought, worship, mission, and structure, making it a valuable resource for church members and members-to-be, and for those who simply want to know more about the church
Author: Dr. Geunhee Yu
To Order this book: call 1-800-366-3383 or online at www.chalicepress.com
ISBN 9780827214514 | Web Price: $6.39
This handbook offers concise information on disciples heritage, thought, worship, mission, and structure, making it a valuable resource for church members and members-to-be, and for those who simply want to know more about the church.
Author: D. Duane Cummins
To Order this book: call 1-800-366-3383 or online at www.chalicepress.com
ISBN 9780827214453 | Web Price: $6.39
Members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), in this last quarter of the twentieth century, have manifested a renewed interest in exploring the basic beliefs which shape our witness to the Christian faith. As we broaden our ecumenical involvements and reflect on the history through which God has led us, we also seek to enlarge our vision of the mission to which God calls the church in our time. The Affirmation of faith, its primary purpose is to engage Disciples in thinking responsibly about the faith we affirm in the light of our heritage and in the context of our contemporary situation.
Author: Ronald E. Osborn
To Order this book: call 1-800-366-3383 or online at www.chalicepress.com
ISBN 9780827210097 | Web Price: $10.39