NAPAD Ministry Team
The ministry of the North American Pacific/Asian Disciples (NAPAD) is an integral part and a fast growing edge of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We are proudly and faithfully on the frontline of accomplishment for our church’s “20/20 Vision” that has four mission priorities: New Church Establishment; Congregational Transformation; Leadership Development; Becoming a Pro-Reconciling and Anti-Racist Church.
Serving eighteen different and distinct Asian and Pacific Islanders groups within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the ministry of NAPAD has grown from eight Asian churches began in 1992 to over 100 churches currently.
The ministry team of NAPAD consists of the competent leaders in various areas of Disciples ministries, general and regional and institutional.
General Ministry - NApad office
Rev. Chung Seong Kim
Executive Pastor
Indianapolis, Indiana
Baek Hee Kim
NAPAD Communication Coordinator
Indianapolis, Indiana
General Ministry - Ethnic/WOMEN'S ministry Coordinators
Rev. Sai Tafaoialii
NAPAD Minister for Samoan Ministries
Magna, Utah
Rev. Nerleb Likisap
NAPAD Minister for Chuukese Ministries
St. Joseph, Missourie
Regional Ministry
Rev. Kyungmok Lee
NAPAD Minister for PSWR
Claremont, California
Rev. Daniel K. Lee
NAPAD Minister for CCNCNR
Sunnyvale, California
Rev. Hyoung Chel Yang
NAPAD Minister for CCIW
Glenview, Illinois