Chinese Ministry

2016 Harold Johnson Legacy Fund Recipient

In 2014, the NAPAD board of directors established the Harold Johnson legacy fund to honor the legacy of the late Rev. Harold Johnson, a ministry pioneer and dearly beloved as the "Grandfather of NAPAD". Since then, the fund has supported NAPAD congregations as they develop ministries for children, youth and women. 

The NAPAD grant committee is pleased to announce that First Chinese Christian Church of Texas will receive the 2016 Harold Johnson Legacy grant. This congregation, established in 1998, is located in Plano, TX. This vibrant ministry is led by Rev. Dr. Lian Jiang, their senior minister. Over the years, the congregation is known for their commitment towards being a mission-centered congregation. They have recently hired Brite Divinity School seminarian, Dr. Jennie Huang to be their associate minister to develop their growing children and youth ministry programs. The church plans to use the grant to assist the youth in developing the sense of inclusiveness of all people as God’s children (regardless of race, gender, nation, and culture). 

NAPAD would like to express deep appreciation to the many who have contributed to the Harold Johnson legacy fund. Their generosity allows NAPAD congregations like First Chinese Christian Church of Texas to continue in their work as they put mission first.